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Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM) Receives Medal from the Mozambican Government

Mozambique has awarded CISM the Medalha Bagamoyo in recognition of its work in the fields of education and development


The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Armando Emilio Guebuza, has awarded the Medalha Bagamoyo to the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM). This accolade, received concurrently by the Universidade Lúrio, was awarded in recognition and appreciation of CISM's essential work in the field of education and the development of Mozambique. The ceremony took place on Heroes Day, 3rd of February, the country's national holiday.

The Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM) is a Mozambican non-profit organization that promotes biomedical research in priority areas undertaken to improve the health of vulnerable populations. The Centre was founded in 1996 with the support of Barcelona's Hospital Clínic under the leadership of Dr. Pedro Alonso.

Today, the centre is run by the Manhiça Foundation and enjoys a stable relationship with ISGlobal that encompasses scientific collaboration as well as training, capacity building, and administrative support.

For more information:

Presidente da Republica atribui títulos honorificos a cidadãos nacionais

Malaria, laboratorio africano

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