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New Course on Migrants and Refugees Health in the Mediterranean

The course will offer an updated account of the migrant and refugees crisis and will examine how culture and society impact their health needs

Photo: Pixpoetry en Unsplash

Migration is quickly becoming the defining challenge of our generation. The first report on refugee and migrant health in the west by WHO Europe suggests new arrivals are at risk of falling ill while in transit to another country, but face further dangers when they arrive in a host nation because of unhealthy living conditions or adjustments in their lifestyle. At this time of unprecedented population movements across Europe and the world, ISGlobal has included a new course in its offer of training and education activities: Migrants and Refugees health in the Mediterranean (3 ECTS credits).

Building on a similar short version first offered in 2016, the new course will offer an updated and current account of the migrant and refugees crisis and will examine how culture and society impact health needs, health-seeking behaviour, and health-care quality, with a focus on the key role of their integration as aim to live healthy lives. The central, western, and eastern Mediterranean routes of forced migration will be emphasized, with faculty and practitioners drawing from experience in primary health care, living with chronic disease, working with interpreters, and mental health and well-being in Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey.

Special attention will be given to reinforcing the students’ practical skills for the client-practitioner relationship, within a holistic and inter-disciplinary approach that is relevant to anyhealth practitioners. Site visits to the Clínic and Sant Joan de Déu hospitals travel clinics will provide participants with direct access to migrant health care, and issues and best practices directly from physicians, nurses, administrators and other members of the interdisciplinary team.

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Migrants and refugees health in the Mediterranean