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MENA Migrant Health Project Gives Migrants a Voice on their Health

The project has launched its qualitative study in Tunisia and Morocco as a first step towards designing the prototype of the MHCP-t digital tool.

Photo: Idriss Meliani via Unsplash

In May, the MENA Migrant Health project started its field work in with a series of activities in Tunisia and Morocco, two countries where the Migrant Health Country Profile (MHCP-t) digital tool will be developed. This innovative digital platform will facilitate the tracking of key health indicators of migrant populations to assess health needs and gaps in service delivery, improve health outcomes and ensure their inclusion in national data collection systems.

A digital tool to improve health care for migrants

The prototype design of this digital tool is based on a participatory approach that actively involves migrants in the process. To this end, a qualitative study has been launched in four regions in Tunisia and four in Morocco, using focus group discussions and individual interviews. The aim of this study is to understand migrants' perceptions of the quality of the services they receive, their health needs and the factors influencing their access to health care. So far, activities have started in the Tunis region of Tunisia, and in the Rabat region of Morocco.

In each country, these activities will be carried out with different groups of participants, including men, women, French-, English- and Arabic-speaking migrants from different backgrounds. In addition, people affected by diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, mental health problems, chronic non-communicable diseases and malaria will be included, as well as vaccinated people and pregnant women. Focus group discussions will also be held with NGO and public health staff working directly with migrant populations in each region of the two countries. The project's collaboration with Médecins du Monde Belgique in Tunisia and Maroc Solidarité Medico Sociale in Morocco is crucial for the implementation of these study activities.

Promoting a network of researchers in the region

One of the aims of the MENA Migrant Health project is to foster a network of researchers and institutions committed to continuing work on migrant health beyond the project’s lifetime. . The project will therefore fund and support six PhD students and two post-doctoral researchers. These students, supported by their supervisors and the scientific coordination of the project, are responsible for carrying out this qualitative study in each country.. 

More information on the project here.