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Paul Calleja holds a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education from the University of Malta and a Master’s degree in Public Health (Health Promotion) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London) in the United Kingdom.

In late 2022, he was awarded the Tertiary Education Scholarship Scheme (TESS) from the government of Malta for his PhD research on the interplay between environmental volunteering, physical activity, and mental health among participants with obesity under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Chevance.  

Línies de recerca

  • Physical activity 
  • Obesity 
  • Planetary health 
  • Sports Sociology

Publicacions principals

  • Calleja P, Darias-Curvo S, Copperstone C, Cauchi D. Childhood obesity, food insecurity and climate change: a tale of two island groups (2023). International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health, Volume 6, No 3. DOI: 
  • Calleja P, Muscat A, Decelis A. The Effects of Audience Behaviour on Football Players’ Performance (2022). Journal of New Studies in Sport Management, Volume 3, Issue 1. DOI:
  • Kelly B, Vandevijvere S, Ng SH, Adams J, Allemandi L, Bahena-Espina L, Barquera S, Boyland E, Calleja P, et al. Global benchmarking of children’s exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries (2019). Obesity Reviews journal Volume 20, Issue S2. DOI:  
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