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Marco Viola

Marco Viola

Estudiant de doctorat

Marco Viola is a mathematician and statistician, with a Master in Maths at the University of Turin, Italy. He is now a PHD student in the Psychology department at the University of Turin and Barcelona, with a co-tutorship between the University of Turin (UniTO), the University of Barcelona (UPF) and ISGlobal to continue the PhD program started in November 2021 (supervisors M Kogevinas, G Chevance, R Rosato). His research focuses on the long term health related quality of life, physical function, and psychological consequences of severe COVID-19 in two different cohorts (Italian and Spanish); he follows the study from its birth in order to arrive at the statistical part of the research.

Línies de recerca

  • Physical and Mental health
  • Post Covid-19 Consequences
  • Statistical Models

Publicacions principals

Lorenzo Milani, Fabrizio Cigliano, Alberto Catalano, Alessandra Macciotta, Marco Viola, Valeria Caramello, Giuseppe Costa, Fulvio Ricceri, Carlotta Sacerdote. Characteristics of patients affecting the duration of positivity at SARS-CoV-2: a cohort analysis of the first wave of epidemic in Italy. Epidemiologia&Prevenzione,
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