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Niti Mishra

Niti Mishra

Investigadora predoctoral Clima i salut

Niti Mishra is a Data Scientist with seven years experience in applying machine learning and natural language processing techniques to real-world problems in banking, retail and research. In 2022, she joined the EARLY-ADAPT (ERC-CoG) team at ISGlobal as a PhD candidate to investigate the application of language models and deep learning techniques for influenza-surveillance using digital data including multilingual texts from social media. Her research interests lie in implementation of machine learning techniques to monitor health related outcomes using weather and digital data sources. 

She obtained a M.Sc. in Data Science from Barcelona School of Economics in 2016. She has a B.Com in Economics and Management Science and a Minor in Sociology from Ryerson University (2013). 

Línies de recerca

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Climate and Health
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