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Karen Gonçalves is an environmental epidemiologist with interests in developing advanced statistical methods to environmental factors and different health outcomes. She holds a PhD degree in Public Health from Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil) with a travel grant of Visiting PhD in Epidemiology at Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Switzerland). Her expertise is on understanding the relationship between non-communicable and infectious diseases with the air pollution, climate change, and epigenetics applying data analytics, machine learning, and geoprocessing.

In the last years, she have been working as epidemiologist in partnership with different international cutting edge research institutions and as an epidemiologist consultant to governmental and non- governmental organizations.

Currently, she is a Postdoctoral researcher at ISGlobal, as part of the Biomedical Data Science team and is responsible for END-VOC epidemiological analytics applying machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Línies de recerca

Environmental epidemiology
Air pollution
Climate change
Spatial epidemiology
Data Science applied to epidemiology
Health systems and real-world evidence

Publicacions principals

  • LUQUE-FERNANDEZ, M.A.; GONÇALVES, K.S.; SALAMANCA-FERNANDEZ, E.; REDONDOSANCHEZ, D.; LEEF, S.F.; RODRIGUEZ-BARRANCO, M.; CARMONA-GARCIA, M.; MARCOSGRAGERAG, R.; SÁNCHEZ, M.J. Multimorbidity and overall short-term mortality among colorectal cancer patients in Spain: a population-based cohort study. European Journal of Cancer (Apr/2020) DOI:
  • GONÇALVES, K.S; WINKLER, MS; BARBOSA-BENCHIMOL, PRB; HOOGH, K; ARTAXO, PA; HACON, S.SCHINDLER, C & KÜNZLI, N. Development of non-linear models predicting daily fine particle concentrations using aerosol optical depth retrievals and ground-based measurements at a municipality in the Brazilian Amazon region. Atmospheric Environment 184 (2018) 156–165. DOI:
  • GONÇALVES, K. S.; BARBOSA, P. R. B.; HACON, S. S.; CASTRO, Hermano Albuquerque de . Prevalence of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in the municipality of Porto Velho, Occidental Amazon, Brazil. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, v. 8, p. 102-110, 2016. DOI: 10.5897/JPHE2015.0775
  • COSTA, D.; HACON, S. S. ; PINHEIRO, S. L. ; GONÇALVES, K. S. ; Siqueira, Alexandre . Municipal temperature and heatwave predictions as a tool for integrated socio-environmental impact analysis in Brazil. American Journal of Climate Change, v. 4, p. 385-396, 2015. DOI: 10.4236/ajcc.2015.44031
  • GONÇALVES, K. S.; CASTRO, Hermano Albuquerque de; HACON, S. S. . Ground-clearing fires in the amazon and respiratory disease. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva (Impresso), v. 17, p. 1523-1532, 2012. DOI:
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