Equip ISGlobal - Títol

Equip ISGlobal

Elena Esteban

Elena Esteban

Responsable de Projectes

 Elena joined the Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB) in March 2008. She has a Degree in Business Administration, and one in Social Education.


 She worked in the automotive sector as a Controller for 10 years in a multinational company. However, due to her higher interest in social awareness she switched to CRESIB (currently, ISGlobal) to work as a project technician in multicentered schemes.


 Since 2011 she has been in charge of the Projects Office in ISGLOBAL, where she coordinates a team of 20 people responsible for the development of international health initiatives (research, training, cooperation, assistance, communication, think tank) through planning and management of funding opportunities and portfolio of contracts and grants throughout the project life cycle.

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