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Equip ISGlobal

Climent Casals-Pascual

Climent Casals-Pascual

Associate Research Professor Infeccions Víriques i Bacterianes, Malaria, Resistènca antimicrobiana, VIH / SIDA

Climent Casals-Pascual is clinical consultant in Medical Microbiology. He did his PhD at the University of Oxford (UK) studying the pathophysiology of severe malaria. He became an independent researcher in 2008 (MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship) and his main research interests are biomarker discovery, microbiome analysis and artificial intelligence applied to infectious diseases.

Línies de recerca

  •  Microbiome
  •  Antimicrobial resistance
  •  Biomarker Discovery 
  •  Artificial intelligence
  •  Diagnostic development

Publicacions principals

  • C Casals-Pascual, A Vergara, J Vila. Intestinal microbiota and antibiotic resistance: Perspectives and solutions. Human Microbiome. 2018. Journal 9, 11-15.  
  •  O Cominetti, D Smith, F Hoffman, M Jallow, ML Thézénas, H Huang, ...C Casals-Pascual. Identification of a Novel Clinical Phenotype of Severe Malaria using a Network-Based Clustering Approach. Scientific reports 2018. 8 (1), 12849. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31320-w  
  • H Huang, RC Ideh, E Gitau, ML Thézénas, M Jallow, B Ebruke, O Chimah, ...C Casals-Pascual. Discovery and validation of biomarkers to guide clinical management of pneumonia in African children. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2014. 58 (12), 1707-1715 doi: 10.1093/cid/ciu202  
  •  SJ Ceesay*, C Casals-Pascual*, J Erskine, SE Anya, NO Duah, AJC Fulford, ...DJ Conway. Changes in malaria indices between 1999 and 2007 in The Gambia: a retrospective analysis. The Lancet. 2008. 372 (9649), 1545-1554. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61654-2    
  •  C Casals-Pascual, R Idro, N Gicheru, S Gwer, B Kitsao, E Gitau, ...CRJ Newton. High levels of erythropoietin are associated with protection against neurological sequelae in African children with cerebral malaria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2008. 105 (7), 2634-2639. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0709715105 
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