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Meet Our Alumni: Kim Nordmann

Kim Nordmann

Kim Nordmann, graduated from the ISGlobal – University of Barcelona Master of Global Health in 2019. She is currently working as a Student Assistant in the Working Group Global Digital Health, in the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

What were the highlights of your learning experience during the academic year?

Having studied medicine in the years before, I had a vast knowledge on different diseases. However, I always had the feeling that the broader picture was missing. Through the master’s programme, I acquired an excellent understanding of the most important concepts in Global Health. It was like pieces of a puzzle that were put into place. These theoretical concepts not only helped me throughout my master but are up to now very valuable and useful.

The master thesis was another highlight of my learning experience. Unlike most students, I opted to do a research project that included field work which I conducted in Liberia. This was a very valuable experience through which I learned a lot.

How did the ISGlobal Master contribute to your career development?

I can say that through the ISGlobal Master’s programme, I truly found my passion. While medicine is a very interesting field, I could not imagine myself only working in a hospital. Through the master’s programme I realized that Global Health was what I had been looking for throughout. Having obtained insights into the different fields of Global Health, I chose to focus on digital health, as well as mother and child health for my master thesis. I continue working in this field currently, through both my job as a student assistant at the Charité in Berlin and through my dissertation project.

"I always had the feeling that the broader picture was missing. Through the master’s programme, I acquired an excellent understanding of the most important concepts in Global Health".

What do you hope to further achieve in the field of global health in the future?

At this point of my career, this is a difficult question to answer. Currently, I am aiming to gain more “on the ground” experience, both in research and in the implementation of projects. In the future, I hope to be an inspiring university professor in Global Health, sharing my knowledge with students and thus shaping the next generation of young Global Health professionals.

What advice do you have for current students?

I know that this master’s programme can be hectic and stressful at times with a lot of group presentations to hold and deadlines to meet. However, try to look beyond that. The master programme is not only a great opportunity to connect with professors, but also with young global health professionals from all over the world. Take this opportunity to learn, both in the classroom and outside. Debate, discuss and widen your horizon! Do not worry if you haven’t yet found “your passion”. Global Health is a wide and diverse field. Be open and curious and I am sure you will discover what is truly yours.

"Take this opportunity to learn, both in the classroom and outside. Debate, discuss and widen your horizon!"

Were the relationships you formed at ISGlobal useful?

Definitely! Throughout my year I hadmany inspiring encounters, wonderful discussions and the opportunity to form long-lasting relationships with both, fellow students and professors from ISGlobal. I remember some very challenging moments during the Master’s programme, in which I was extremely happy to listen to the advices of experienced ISGlobal staff and to work together on ways to overcome those challenges. Even now, I sometimes still seek their advice or just talk with them over a cup of coffee. With some of my former fellow students, seniors and juniors, I continue working together in an organization called the Global Health Next Generation Network.