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Anàlisi i Desenvolupament Global

One Health: Preparedness, partnerships and science to prevent systemic health risks

One Health Preparedness.jpg
10.00 -13.00 h
CaixaForum Macaya, Sala Macaya (Pg. de St. Joan, 108, 08037 Barcelona)

Promoted by the One Europe for Global Health initiative and hosted by ISGlobal during the Spanish Presidency of the EU, the event will provide an opportunity to reflect on three key elements:

  • The role of science and research in public decision-making on global health.To focus on the EU's work on preparedness and response to health emergencies and how the One Health approach has been integrated.To emphasise the need to deepen multi-stakeholder partnerships and alliances around the world, particularly in the Global South.

The aim is then to feed these reflections into the public debate and, in particular, into EU policy-making on global health and One Health. To this end, we are convening a group of experts who, after an initial presentation by the organisers and promoters of the event, will be able to exchange points of view.

To join the event online, click on the following link.  


10:00- 10:10. Welcome and introduction to the session by the co-organizers

  • Antoni Plasència, General Director of ISGlobal
  • Benoit Miribel, One Sustainable Health for All Foundation

10:10- 10:20. One Europe for Global Health Presentation

  • Brian B Rudkin, One Europe for Global Health Coallition

10:20- 10:30. ISGlobal Presentation

  • Antoni Plasència, ISGlobal

10:30- 10:40. EGHRIN Presentation. 

  • Antoni Plasència, ISGlobal

10:40- 11:00. Setting the framework for dialogue

  • Gonzalo Fanjul, ISGlobal
  • Elizabeth Diago, ISGlobal
  • Clara Marín, ISGlobal

Reinforcing alliances with the global south

  • Carla de Freitas Campos, Fiocruz

11:00- 11:15. Break / Coffee

11:15- 11:25.

  • Remarks by Borja Cabezón, Special Ambassador for Global Health of the Spanish Government

11:25- 12:15. Towards the Barcelona Amendment

  • Initial remarks and moderation: Virginia Rodríguez, ISGlobal

12:15- 12:50. Wrap-up

12:50- 13:00. Next steps and farewell

  • Benoit Miribel and ISGlobal

One Europe for Global Health

During the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2022, this initiative was launched with the aim of bringing together various stakeholders to work together to ensure that the European institutions and EU Member States maintain and reaffirm their political commitment to global health priorities and the One Health approach. The first meeting resulted in the Lyon Declaration, a document that formulated a first set of recommendations to decision-makers in the European Union and its Member States.

Since then, the initiative has organised events under successive presidencies of the Council of the European Union. These events have resulted in successive amendments to the Lyon Declaration, named after the city that hosted each event: Prague Amendment and Stockholm Amendment.

The last part of the meeting will focus on the content of the "Barcelona Amendment", which will summarise and disseminate the reflections of the day.