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Research, Chagas

The Importance of the Sociocultural Aspects of Chagas Disease

Review published in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases


The emergence and perpetuation of Chagas disease depends largely on socio-cultural aspects influencing health. However, most interventions do not simultaneously address the clinical, environmental, social and cultural aspects of this disease. According to the findings of a systematic review conducted by researchers from CRESIB, ISGlobal's research centre, an explicitly multidimensional approach incorporating the experiences of those affected is a potential tool for the development of successful, long-term programmes for Chagas disease.

More than 10 million people worldwide are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes about 20,000 annual deaths. Although Chagas disease is endemic to certain regions of Latin America, migratory flows have led to its expansion into areas where it was previously unknown. Economic, social and cultural factors play an important role in its presence and perpetuation.

The systematic review published by CRESIB researchers aims to provide a comprehensive overview of qualitative research on the disease in both endemic and non-endemic countries. Searches were carried out in ten databases, with screening of the bibliographies of retrieved studies. Data from 33 relevant studies were then extracted, analysed, and synthesised into key themes. Themes identified for endemic countries included socio-structural determinants of Chagas disease, health practices, biomedical conceptions of Chagas disease, patient experiences, and institutional strategies, while those identified for non-endemic countries related to access to health services and health-seeking behaviours.


Ventura-Garcia L, Roura M, Pell C, Posada E, Gascón J, Aldasoro E, Muñoz J, Pool R. Socio-cultural aspects of chagas disease: a systematic review of qualitative research. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 Sep 12;7(9):e2410. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002410.