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Linkage and retention in care following home-based HIV testing serosurveys in Manhiça District, Southern Mozambique

2015 - 2016
Denise Naniche

Controlling the HIV epidemic at a global level will only be possible if the UNAIDS 2014 objectives are achieved; if, by 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status; if 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV infection will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy; and, if these individuals adhere to treatment, 90% of them will have viral suppression, and will not be transmitting the infection, as the virus will not be present in the blood. These objectives require a strong commitment, not only on behalf of the governments (both financially and logistically), but also on behalf of the citizens.

Knowing and understanding the possible factors that influence patient follow-up at a community level can lead to success in achieving the UNAIDs goal, which is precisely the objective of the CARE study.

About CARE

CARE is a project created between ISGlobal and CISM (Centro de investigação em Saúde de Manhiça), a prominent HIV research center in Africa, and in collaboration with the District Health Directorate of Manhiça.

Throughout the span of about one year, the CARE study has interviewed over 100 HIV positive individuals in their homes, with the objective of helping understand what are the main difficulties faced by the population diagnosed with HIV to adhering to lifelong follow up and care.

The CARE results help guide policies on HIV patient care, allowing them to adapt to the true needs of this population, thus improving quality of life while helping prevent new infections.

Our Team


  • Denise Suzanne Naniche
    Denise Suzanne Naniche

ISGlobal Team

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