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Jordi Sunyer

Jordi Sunyer

Research Professor Childhood & Environment

He is Research Professor at ISGlobal, in Barcelona. Next to it, he is a Professor in Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Pompeu Fabra University. He is the founder and chair of the INMA and BiSC birth cohorts in Spain and principal investigator of several international studies including the ERC Advanced Grants BREATHE "BRain dEvelopment and Air polluTion ultrafine particles in scHool children" and AIR-NB "pre-natal exposure to urban AIR pollution and pre- and post-Natal Brain development".

He has an extensive experience in the area of respiratory and neurodevelopmental epidemiology and the founding and coordination of birth cohorts in Spain as well harmonization of birth cohorts in Europe. Specifically, he has over 25 years of experience conducting research aimed at defining the pre-natal and early life exposure contribution to the child health.

His work has included study design, methods development, ascertainment of study cohorts, and statistical analyses. He has a demonstrated record of successful research in the area of the effect of POPs, hormonal disruptors and air pollution on asthma, lung function, obesity and neurodevelopment in children, with around 700 scientific articles, cited more than 30,000 times; and a great activity for the translation of these findings into prevention producing reports, guidelines and recommendations for WHO, for the UN-IPCS programme and in government commissions.

In 2014 he received the most prestigious award in environmental epidemiology, John Goldsmith Prize.

Lines of research

His main research is about the environmental early life origins of neurodevelopment and cardio respiratory diseases.

Main publications

  • Rivas I, Basagaña X, Cirach M,…, Sunyer J. Association between Early Life Exposure to Air Pollution and Working Memory and Attention. Environ Health Perspect. 2019;127(5):57002.
  •  Alemany S, Vilor-Tejedor N, García-Esteban R, ..., Sunyer J. Traffic-Related Air Pollution, APOEe4 Status, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes among School Children Enrolled in the BREATHE Project (Catalonia, Spain). Environ Health Perspect. 2018;126(8):087001.
  •  Dadvand P, Pujol J, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, …, Sunyer J. The association between Lifelong Greenspace Exposure and 3-Dimensional Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Barcelona Schoolchildren. Environ Health Perspect. 2018;126(2):027012.
  • Sunyer J, Suades-González E, García-Esteban R, et al. Traffic-related Air Pollution and Attention in Primary School Children: Short-term Association. Epidemiology 2017; 28:181-189.
  • Sunyer J, Esnaola M, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, et al. Association between traffic-related air pollution in schools and cognitive development in primary school children: a prospective cohort study. PLoS Med. 2015;13:e1001792
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