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Dr. Ivancovsky Wajcman Dana (Ph.D., RD) is a postdoctoral researcher. She is a clinical dietitian and completed her PhD in Public Health at the University of Haifa, Israel (2022). She investigated the association between meat consumption, ultra-processed food, and pro-inflammatory nutrients and metabolic, hepatic, and colonic-neoplasia outcomes. Additionally, she assessed the dietary and serum amounts of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and investigated their association with metabolic alternation.

Her research interests include the association between meat consumption, ultra-processed food, social nutrition, lifestyle interventions, and hepatic outcomes. She acts as a consultant for the lifestyle committee in the Global NASH Council (GNC).

Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Health Systems Research Group at ISGlobal, leading research projects about lifestyle, mental health, social nutrition, and liver health. 

Lines of research

  • Social nutrition
  • Lifestyle intervention
  • Mental health
  • Liver health 

Main publications

  • Ivancovsky-Wajcman D.*, Zelber-Sagi S.*, Fliss Isakov N., Webb M., Zemel M., Shibolet O., Kariv R. Serum sRAGE levels are associated with lifestyle and with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. CTG,2019;10(5): 1-10. *equal contribution 
  • Ivancovsky-Wajcman D., Fliss Isakov N., Federico s., Webb M., Shibolet O., Kariv R., Zelber-Sagi S. Vitamin E and C intake are inversely associated with liver damage in patients with non-alcholic fatty liver disease. Dig Liver Dis. 2019;51(12):1698-1705.
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