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Karl Samuelsson is interested in understanding how urban landscapes relate to people's health and well-being, with an emphasis on spatial structure, human behaviour, and spatial and spatio-temporal analysis methods. He completed his PhD studies in geospatial information science at University of Gävle. At ISGlobal, Karl is part of the BiSC project (Barcelona Life Study Cohort), in which he will analyse the cohort members' activity spaces and link them to stress and mental health outcomes.

Main publications

  • Tzu-Hsin KC, Thisted Horsdal H, Samuelsson K, Closter AM, Davies M, Barthel S, Carsten Bøcker Pedersen, Alexander V Prishchepov, Clive E Sabel. Higher depression risks in medium-than in high-density urban form across Denmark. Science Advances 9 (21), eadf3760. 
  • Linder N, Giusti M, Samuelsson K, Barthel S. Pro-environmental habits: An underexplored research agenda in sustainability science. Ambio, 1-11.
  • Samuelsson K. The topodiverse City: Urban form for subjective well-being. Frontiers in Built Environment 7, 735221.
  • Samuelsson K, Barthel S, Giusti M, Hartig T. Visiting nearby natural settings supported wellbeing during Sweden’s “soft-touch” pandemic restrictions.  Landscape and Urban Planning 214, 104176.
  • Samuelsson K, Colding J, Barthel S. Urban resilience at eye level: Spatial analysis of empirically defined experiential landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 187, 70-80.
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