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Fourth Annual Meeting of CRESIB's Advisory Committee


The fourth annual meeting of the Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB) Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) took place on 8 October. The aim of these annual meetings is to assess the centre's scientific progress and make recommendations on how its performance could be further improved. The STAC is a committee of nine internationally recognised researchers and on this occasion the meeting was attended by Marcel Tanner (Chair) and six other members: Federico Gómez de las Heras, José Alcamí, María Freire, Mariano Esteban, Regina Rabinovitch, and Vicente Larraga. Also present were the 17 researchers who make up CRESIB's Internal Scientific Committee. 

The meeting opened with a review of the progress made by CRESIB in various fields in 2011 and an update on the centre's research programmes in the areas of viral and bacterial infections, malaria, and imported diseases. Also discussed was the planned strategic alliance between CRESIB, CREAL (Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology) and ISGlobal. This alliance will be established within the framework of SUMA, a project recently launched by the Catalan Government to develop the CERCA network of Catalan research centres. The next item on the agenda was the evaluation of two candidates for associate research professorships. This was followed by an assessment of the scientific advances achieved by several research professors who have been working in CRESIB for more than five years.

A report of the conclusions and recommendations that emerged from this meeting will be submitted by the STAC to CRESIB's Directorate and Board of Trustees, and the document will serve as a basis for the continued improvement of the quality and impact of the centre's activities.

The day after the meeting, some STAC committee members participated in the assessment recently initiated by the Catalan Government of the CERCA network of research centres in Catalunya, of which CRESIB is a member.