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Cities at the Heart of the Climate Action and Public Health Agenda

COP28  Christopher Pike
Photo: COP28/ Christopher Pike

Cities play an important role in climate action, as they house over half the world's population.


[This article was originally published by The Lancet.]


On December 3, 2023, the Conference of Parties (COP) had its inaugural health day at COP28. Over 120 countries have endorsed the COP28 United Arab Emirates Declaration on Climate and Health. This historic declaration stated that the climate crisis is also a health crisis, and that we need to put health at the heart of climate action. The climate crisis already leads to substantial premature mortality, disease, and health-care costs. Climate action is about reducing premature mortality, preventing disease, and reducing these costs, but with many additional health co-benefits. The recent few years have been the hottest on record and heatwaves have claimed over 70 000 lives in Europe alone in 2022, with cities being the most affected.


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