S.A.R. La Infanta Doña Cristina De Borbón

S.A.R. La Infanta Doña Cristina De Borbón

Director of the International Department of the Fundación ''la Caixa''

Her Royal Highness the Infanta Cristina of Spain is the Director of International Programmes of “la Caixa” Foundation in charge of global health and development projects in the world’s most vulnerable countries.

In her capacity she has worked and visited more than 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. HRH has been a dedicated advocate on the fight against child mortality since her involvement and commitment with the Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in 2005. She led the partnership between “la Caixa” and Gavi Alliance, the creation of the employee scheme and the Business Alliance for Child Vaccination, a corporate social responsibility programme. She was a member of the Gavi Alliance Board from 2012 to 2016.

In her capacity as Director of “la Caixa” Foundation International Division, she manages and coordinates its programs with various Geneva-based UN agencies. Likewise, she fosters collaboration programs with the Aga Khan Development Network cultural and social foundations in her capacity of Interagency Programme coordinator of Aga Khan Trust and Culture.

HRH is an Honorary President of the Spanish Committee of UNESCO, a member of the Dali Foundation Board of Trustees and the President of the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing.
HRH the Infanta Cristina read Political Science at the Complutense University of Madrid, and studied International Relations at New York University.

In 2010 HRH was appointed President of the Board of Trustees of the Global Health Institute of Barcelona (ISGlobal).

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