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TrackU - A tool to know your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection

Viral and bacterial infections

01/09/2022 - 01/07/2023
Anna Llupià and Marina Tarrús
Funded by
Oficina de Ciència Ciutadana

The TrackU project aims to empower citizens by: disseminating scientific evidence (through informal scientific training) on the incidence and impact of measures such as ventilation, protective equipment to prevent infection (masks, hand washing), use of public spaces (healthy green spaces); democratising knowledge; and contributing to the accessibility of science and research to the general public, through the collective of students in Barcelona.

The aim is to highlight the need to add active epidemiological surveillance as a public health principle, in order to call for structural protective measures that affect all citizens, avoiding inequalities and ensuring health protection.

The research team considers it important to clarify concepts to empower people to protect themselves from COVID-19, either because they are at higher risk of serious illness, are close to a vulnerable person, or need to remain negative for various reasons (work, travel etc.), as well as to empower them in risk identification and management for future pandemics.

The TrackU study will evaluate the impact of a self-tracking tool in a healthy population, with a control group and an intervention group, for risk identification and management, and community activation to improve public spaces. This project is based on the participatory development of a self-tracking tool through a pilot group. A first phase of testing the tool and the surveys of the clinical trial have been carried out, promoting the improvement and adaptation of the future digital tool, based on its content, usability and impact. To learn more about this phase and the clinical trial, you can watch a video at this link.

This study is led by the TrackU research team, the result of ISGlobal's collaboration with the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, the Universitat de Barcelona, the Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Gimbernat, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


Total funding

1,400 €

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