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New Website, New Sections, More ISGlobal

The Barcelona Institute for Global Health launches a new corporate website with improved performance and functionality

Just one year after its creation, ISGlobal, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health, has fulfilled one of the priorities in its roadmap: to launch a revamped, flexible website capable of supporting the communication needs of this growing institution. 

The new website contains three main sections:

  • Global Action, which explains the main areas of action of the institute and provides updated information on the specific projects underway.
  • Research, which acts as a bridge between ISGlobal and its research center, CRESIB.
  • Education, which offers detailed information on the training and education courses organised by ISGlobal.

Another improvement to the website is the incorporation of a Publications & Multimedia,section, which offers a complete list of additional resources, such as publications by ISGlobal's Think Tank and videos featuring the experts that make ISGlobal possible. 

Finally, there is a News & Events section with details of upcoming events and the latest information on the institute's activities.

Por último, la sección de actualidad se ha concebido como el recurso para dar cuenta de la actividad diaria del Instituto y para anunciar la agenda de eventos.

Social Networks

ISGlobal's presence on the web is growing rapidly, fueled in part by its participation in  the most popular social networks. Los planes inmediatos de desarrollo pasan por seguir ampliando las herramientas disponibles a través de la creación de blogs que permitirán dar voz a expertos en diversas temáticas relacionadas con la salud global.