Asset Publisher

Research, Malaria Elimination

Malaria Parasite Population Genetics and Adaptation to Diverse Environments

Photo: Image: Michael Zahniser
16.00 h
Aula 6, Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut (Campus Clínic), UB
(Casanova, 143) Barcelona
David Conway (LSHTM)

David Conway, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), where he runs a research group conducting population genetic, experimental and epidemiological studies of malaria parasites, will offer this open seminar entitled "Malaria Parasite Population Genetics and Adaptation to Diverse Environments Thursday", on 22 February.

With more than 170 research articles published, David Conway's research is focused in the effects of natural selection on malaria parasite antigens that are the targets of protective immune responses; naturally acquired immune responses and their relevance to protection; the effects of different epidemiological situations on parasite population genetic structures; and erythrocyte invasion phenotypes of merozoites.

At LSHTM, he co-ordinates an MSc module on 'Pathogen Genomics' in the Summer Term and he previously developed an MSc module entitled 'Genetics of Pathogens and Vectors'.