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ISGlobal Adheres to the EU Manifesto for COVID-19 Research

The document establishes a commitment to maximize the results of research related to SARS-CoV-2


The Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) has endorsed the COVID-19 Research Manifesto promoted by the European Union. The document is addressed to all those institutions that receive European funding and aimed at maximizing the accessibility of research results related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The text contains three basic principles:

  1. Make the generated results, whether tangible or intangible, public and accessible without delay, for instance on the Horizon Results Platform, on an existing IP sharing platform, or through an existing patent pool;
  2. Make scientific papers and research data available in open access without delay and following the FAIR principles via preprint servers or public repositories, with rights for others to build upon the publications and data and with access to the tools needed for their validation. Specifically for COVID-19 research data, make them available through the European COVID-19 Data Platform;
  3. Where possible, grant limited time, non-exclusive royalty free licences for the intellectual property. These non-exclusive royalty free licenses will be given in exchange for the licensees’ commitment to rapidly and broadly distribute the resulting products and services under fair and reasonable conditions to prevent, diagnose, treat and contain COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Research Manifesto (web version)

COVID-19 Research Manifesto (pdf version)