Asset Publisher

Research, Policy & Global Development

"Zikosis" Outbreak and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games

Room 15 (5th floor), Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut (Campus Clínic)
(Casanova, 143) Barcelona
Jose Muñoz (Hospital Clínic-ISGlobal)

One thing that has impacted the latest Olympic Games, regarding health, has been the alarm concerning the Zika virus. This tiny pathogen and its vector, Aedes aegypti, have raised concern among a number of athletes and have stolen part of the media attention for weeks.

Now, almost three months later, Jose Muñoz (Hospital Clínic-ISGlobal) is looking backwards to assess the predictions, discuss the results of the serologies and the utility of the mobile application that helped inform athletes and COE members of health risks and detect possible cases of Zika.

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