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Investigación, Planificación urbana, medio ambiente y salud

Workshop “Nature to Plan Healthy and Equitable Urban Settlements”

15.00 - 18.00
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) - Sala Xipre
(Aiguader. 88) Barcelona

Sustainable urban settlements should be healthy and socially equitable environments. The objective of this workshop is to give an update on the opportunities and challenges that naturalizing initiatives provide to sustainable urban settlements.

The workshop will be a two-hours meeting with presentations of 15-20 minutes from various experts and final questions and discussion time (see program below).

15:00 Welcome coffee

15:15 Dr. Mireia GascónNatural environments and health: what is the existing evidence? (ISGlobal, Barcelona)

15:30 Dr. Sjerp de Vries - Green space, blue space, and mental health in the Netherlands (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)

15:50 Dr. Mathew WhiteBlue and green environments: perceptions and attitudes to different typologies in the UK (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)

16:10 Dr. Payam Dadvand - Natural environments and children’s health (ISGlobal, Barcelona)

16:25 Dr. Isabelle Anguelovski - Naturalization initiatives and equity (UAB, ICTA – IMIM, Barcelona)

16:45 Questions and discussion

17:15 Closing