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Constanza Vielma

Constanza Vielma

Predoctoral Fellow Climate & Health

Constanza has a Master's degree in Psychology of Social Intervention from the University of Granada and is a Sociologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She worked as a researcher at several Universities and at the Chilean Government, focusing on cognitive development, health, and the effects of social inequalities throughout life.

Constanza joined ISGlobal in 2021 as part of the EARLY-ADAPT project (Signs of Early Adaptation to Climate Change), led by Dr. Joan Ballester.

In 2022 she was awarded a Severo Ochoa FPI scholarship to start her PhD, titled “Promoting the early adaptation to climate change of vulnerable populations through the use of technological devices (eHealth)”, under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Chevance and Dr. Ballester. She is currently carrying out the field work of her thesis.

Lines of research

  • Climate change
  • Health inequalities
  • Workers' health 
  • Health of the elderly
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