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Margarita Triguero-Mas (PhD) is an environmental scientist working at the intersection of public health, urban planning and environmental justice and a world expert on the health impacts of urban nature, with a particular focus on health equity. Currently she is a senior researcher at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and an associated researcher at ISGlobal and the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ).

Apart from book chapters, she has co-authored > 60 papers published in peer reviewed journals. Her work has informed the US and the European Environmental Protection Agencies and the World Health Organization. She has been consistently among the most cited and influential scientists in the world.

Through her research career, she has collaborated in national and international funded projects in the US, Spain, and Sweden. She co-led FEMPUBLIC, DonesJardins and Rooftop Gardens research projects.

She has been recently awarded a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (2021 call) and the coordination of a Horizon Europe project (GreenME) to identify ways in which green care can be scaled-up to improve adult mental health and wellbeing equity in Europe while contributing to multiple socio-ecological co-benefits. Currently, she also participates in the AmbientaMENT project as a Principal Investigator.

Lines of research

  • Urban green and blue spaces and health
  • Environmental gentrification and health
  • Planetary health
  • Urban planning and health equity and environmental justice
  • Environmental health

Main publications

  • Triguero-Mas M, Anguelovski I, García-Lamarca M, Argüelles L, Pérez del Pulgar C, Shokry G, Connolly JJT, Cole HVS. (2021) Natural outdoor environments’ health effects in gentrifying neighborhoods: disruptive green landscapes for underprivileged neighborhood residents. Social Science and Medicine, V2179: 113964  
  • Cole HVS, Triguero-Mas M, Connolly JJT, Anguelovski I (2019) Determining the health benefits of green space: Does gentrification matter? Health & Place. V57: 1-11 
  • Ribeiro AI* & Triguero-Mas M* (1st author co-authorship), Jardim Santosa C, Gómez-Nieto A, Cole H, Anguelovski H, Martins Silva F, Baró F (2021). Exposure to nature and mental health outcomes during COVID-19 lockdown.  A comparison between Portugal and Spain. Environment International. V154: 106664. 
  • Triguero-Mas M, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Seto E, Valentín A, Martinez D, Smith G, Hurst G, Carrasco-Turigas G, Masterson D, van den Berg M, Ambròs A, Martínez-Íñiguez T, Dedele A, Ellis N, Grazulevicius T, Voorsmit M, Cirach M, Cirac-Claveras J, Swart W, Clasquin E, Ruijsbroek A, Maas J, Jerret M, Grazuleviciene R, Kruize H, Gidlow CJ, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. (2017). Natural outdoor environments and mental health: stress as a possible mechanism. Environmental Research; 159: 629-638
  • Triguero-Mas M, Dadvand P, Cirach M, Martínez D, Medina A, Mompart A, Basagaña X, Grazuleviciene R, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ. (2015). Natural outdoor environments and mental and physical health: relationships and mechanisms. Environment International; 77: 35-41
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