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Our 10 Most Viewed Tweets in 2018


Once again, ISGlobal is taking part in the generalised obsession with looking back at the past year and we would like to share the most liked, most popular and most surprising stories of 2018. Last year we talked about our most viral videos; this year we have set our sights on Twitter and compiled a list of the ISGlobal tweets in 2018 that earned the most impressions, that is, the ones most seen by users. Here is the list of the 10 most viewed tweets, in ascending order:


10. Women and Science


To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February last, we created an infographic to show some interesting facts about the situation of women in science in the world today.


9. Study on Bike Lanes in Europe


Data from 167 European cities was analysed in a study carried out in the framework of the PASTA project and published in the journal Preventive Medicine. The authors concluded that the addition of more dedicated bike lanes would lead to one in every four urban dwellers using a bicycle as their main mode of transport.


8. World Tuberculosis Day


On World Tuberculosis Day, ISGlobal researcher Alberto García-Basteiro published an article in the Huffington Post. In spite of the fact that tuberculosis can be diagnosed and cured, it is still one of the deadliest diseases on the planet, causing 1.7 million deaths every year.


7. Presentation of the BiSC Project


The end of last year saw the launch of the BiSC Project, one of the most comprehensive studies ever undertaken to investigate the effects of air pollution during pregnancy; the study is currently recruiting 1,200 pregnant women in Barcelona.


6. The Impact of Air Pollution on Child Health


An obligatory read: interview published in with Jordi Sunyer, an expert on the health effects of air pollution and head of ISGlobal’s Childhood and Environment Programme.


5. Reading in Science


The future of humanity and why women scientists have been hidden by history are just two of the subjects of the science-related books in the selection proposed by the El País Science Section.


4. Causes of Death in Mozambique


Millions of people die every year due to causes that are never known. El País travelled to Mozambique to learn about the work there with ISGlobal’s new minimally invasive autopsy technique, which is being used to get a clearer picture of the causes of death in low-income countries.


3. New Yaws Study Published in The Lancet


The authors of a new study led by ISGlobal researcher Oriol Mitjà and published in The Lancet concluded that the eradication of yaws will require more than one round of mass antibiotic treatment, implying a change in the current World Health Organisation (WHO) strategy based on a single round of mass treatment.


2. Circadian Rhythm

Michael W. Young is one of the scientists who discovered how the biological clock works. Young, along with his colleagues Jeffrey C. Hall and Michael Rosbash, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine last year for their description of the self-regulatory system of the proteins that govern circadian rhythms (circadian from the Latin words circa meaning about and dies meaning day).

1. Digital report #CitiesWeWant  



This was our most viewed Tweet in 2018: the launch of the digital report on healthy cities, #CitiesWeWant. The objective of this interactive report was to summarise and adapt scientific information on urban life and health to make it more understandable to the general public. Scientists and communicators worked together to explain—using simple words, videos and illustrations—the keys to building healthier and more sustainable cities. If you have not yet read the report, you can find it at