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Research, Training

John Aponte wins the 17th Doctors' Senate Award of the UB

The ISGlobal researcher won this award with his thesis on malaria prevention


John Aponte, researcher at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), won the 17th Doctors' Senate Award of the UB for his thesis Evaluación de herramientas para prevenir la malaria durante los primeros años de vida, defended in 2011 at the Faculty of Medicine of the UB and supervised by Pedro Alonso, ISGlobal director and professor from the Department of Public Health of the UB.

John Aponte (Bogotá, Colombia, 1966) won the Ramon Margalef Award conferred by the Board of Trustees of the UB in 2012. The awarded study was issued as a recommendation for the control of malaria in infants by the World Health Organization: the intermittent treatment with antimalarial drugs in children (IPTi) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Nowadays, John Jairo Aponte continues his research on this issue. He is a CRESIB scientist, the research centre of ISGlobal, affiliated with HUBc, the health campus of international excellence of the UB.

The main goal of the Doctors' Senate Award is to officially acknowledge those doctoral theses read and defended at the UB which make particularly valuable contributions to scientific progress and the advancement of human knowledge. This year, theses read in 2011 have been awarded. A total of 118 candidates from different subject areas were presented. Their work covered practically all of the science and humanities disciplines offered at the UB.