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Can the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Be a Major Public Health Treaty?

Sala Marie Curie (Plaça interior PRBB)
(Doctor Aiguadé, 88) Barcelona
Maria Neira (WHO)

Maria Neira, currently the Director of the Department of Public Health and Environment at the World Health Organization (WHO), will give a seminar on health and climate change. During the last years Dr. Maria Neira has played a leading role at WHO to develop the UN Climate Change Summit in 2014 and the health agenda for the recent COP21 summit.

As the conference title points out, the Paris Agreement, adopted on 11 December of 2015, may mark the beginning of a new era in the global response to the defining issue of the 21st century: climate change.

On the same day, in the afternoon, Dr. Neira is participating in a public debate on health and climate change. It will take place at the Ateneu Barcelonès and will also count with the participation of Josep M. Antó, Scientific Director and head of the Respiratory Diseases Programme of ISGlobal.