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Investigación, Análisis y Desarrollo Global, Planificación urbana, medio ambiente y salud

International Conference on Transport and Health 2017

Changing Perspectives. Health Impacts of Urban and Transport Related Exposures

27/06/2017 - 29/06/2017
Barcelona Biomedical Research Park
(Aiguader, 88) Barcelona

Policy-makers, practitioners and academics from multiple disciplines and professional sectors involved in transport planning and engineering, public health, urban planning, spatial and architectural design, environmental planning, economics and beyond will convene at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) Campus Mar located in Barcelona, Spain, 27-29 June 2017, to share their stories of success and failure; build world-wide collaborative friendships; but most importantly, leave inspired! The theme for ICTH 2017-Barcelona is “Changing Perspectives: Health Impacts of Urban & Transport Related Exposures.” 

The afternoon of Monday, 26 June 2017, has been set aside as an unconference including the first General Meeting of the Professional Association for Transport & Health (PATH) and an organizational meeting for a proposed book to be published through Cambridge Scholars.

ICTH is the only conference in a world-wide market fully dedicated to transport systems and health impacts. Interactive Hot Topic Workshops and abstract presentations (oral, pecha kucha and poster) will be led by cross-disciplinary teams to demonstrate “how” non-traditional and innovative thinking can lead to creative problem solving.

The conference is organized by Transport Public Health Link and hosted by ISGlobal. 

More information

Register here

Abstract submission

International Conference on Transport & Health (Transport Public Health Link website)