Equipo ISGlobal - Título

Equipo ISGlobal

Marina Espriu

Marina Espriu

Jefe de Transferencia de Conocimientos y Tecnología

Marina has been committed to Global Health innovation and management in biomedical research (ISGlobal) and humanitarian healthcare organizations (AAH, MSF) between Africa (Angola, D. R. Congo, Central African Republic, Ethiopia and Mozambique) and Europe. 

She opened-up the Knowledge & Technology Transfer unit at ISGlobal in 2017 with the business development of innovative treatments such as new antibiotics against multidrug resistant bacteria (awarded Barcelona Activa Best start-up initiative 2019), point-of-care diagnostics (malaria, meningitis, HIV, Chagas, among others) and digital health. 

Leads the Energising Global Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ENERGHY) Summer School launched in 2020 together with an European consortium and funded by EIT Health. Co-founder of EIT Health supported Senior Executive Program in Global Health Innovation Management (SEP GHIM) launched in 2019. Coordinator of the Global Health Management course in the Master in Global Health by ISGlobal and the University of Barcelona since 2017 and lecturer in the Master in Translational Medicine at University of Barcelona. Collaborates with Avicena Health & Social projects and the start-up Roka Furadada. 

Economist (Pompeu Fabra University), MSc in Demography (London School of Economics) and Executive Education in Leadership Development (IESE Business School). Living the adventure of a PhD on valuable social innovation for health equity.

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