Equipo ISGlobal - Título

Equipo ISGlobal


Rodney Ortiz is Project Manager for EU-funded research projects ATHLETE on multiple environmental factors and health, HARMONICthat studies the long-term effects of medical radiation in children with cancer and cardiac birth defects, and CitieS-Heath, which focuses on a citizen science approach to urban health.

Previously, he managed the projects RESPIRE on RSV in Mozambique, EuroLeish (H2020) on Leishmaniasis and GERoNiMO (FP7). He has also provided financial management on grants from EU, USA, Spanish government and private funders at ISGlobal.

Before joining ISGlobal, he coordinated the health area of an EU-funded programme to reduce inequalities in Latin America, including collaborations with 10 ministries of health in the region, European partners, and PAHO/WHO. He also managed projects on health system strengthening in Egypt and Syria, and public health responses to natural disasters in Southeast Asia.

He holds an MSc. in International Development from the University of London – SOAS.

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