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Thessa Beck

Thessa Beck

Predoctoral Fellow Climate & Health

Thessa is a meteorologist and climatologist who has obtained her BSc. degree from the University of Hamburg, and her MSc. degree from Wageningen University. She has obtained international research experience in Canada (UBC), Kenya (JKUAT), Republic of Korea (UNIST), and Switzerland (ETHZ), and interned at the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and Disaster Risk Reduction Division of UN-ESCAP in Bangkok. After completing her MSc. degree, she has worked as a Research Analyst at Climate Analytics, a non-profit climate science and policy institute.

She has joined ISGlobal as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Predoctoral Fellow (MSCA-ITN) in the Horizon2020 project named EDIPI and is researching on the health impacts of temperature-related weather extremes and climate change with a focus on compound events. With her research, she aims to contribute to enhancing societal resilience to weather and climate extremes under global change.

Lines of research

  • Weather extremes
  • Climate change 
  • Public health
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