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Policy & Global Development

ISGlobal Takes Part in the Post-Ebola Reconstruction Effort in Liberia

Dr. Hurtado was in Liberia to evaluate and help relaunch the laboratory of the Saint Joseph's Catholic Hospital


Juan Carlos Hurtado, a resident doctor in microbiology at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and affiliated to ISGlobal, travelled to Monrovia in order to evaluate the microbiology laboratory of the Saint Joseph's Catholic Hospital and facilitate its relaunching in a post-ebola setting. The project, a collaboration between ISGlobal and the ‘Fundación Juan Ciudad', represents an important effort to restore and reinforce health-care systems in the countries most affected by the ebola crisis.  

Before the current crisis, the laboratory was a national reference that received samples from other hospitals in the region for the diagnosis of different infectious diseases. Now it has practically stopped functioning. "During the crisis" explains Dr. Hurtado "all the material that could not be decontaminated had to be buried or cremated. This included equipment and documents such as records and protocols". In addition, despite it not having served as ebola treatment centre, the hospital suffered a considerable loss of human resources, with thirteen workers that contracted the disease and nine that died, including Father Miguel Pajares who died after being repatriated to Spain.  

The immediate goal of the mission is to restore minimal services in microbiological diagnosis for the hospital that specializes in maternal and child care. In the long run, it should also perform haematology and biochemistry protocols and become a general reference for the region. This will require training staff, a role that ISGlobal is willing to play, and the donation of equipment and reagents, where the German government has offered help. In the long-term, Dr. Hurtado points out, it will be necessary to find creative ways of financing the laboratory, adapting protocols to the real situation and guaranteeing regular quality controls. 

Dr. Hurtado is currently preparing a document with his evaluation and recommendations so that the ‘Fundación Juan Ciudad' may channel the necessary funds for the laboratory.